
20 Reasons Change Is Good For You

  1. Without change, things stay the same and ultimately will stagnate and die.
  2. Most people are afraid of change because it forces them outside their comfort zone. (go there it’s not that uncomfortable)
  3. Without change there is no adventure in life.
  4. It takes much more energy and effort to resist change than it does to accept it.
  5. It’s much easier to embrace change than to fight it.
  6. Since most will resist change, successful people will use this fact to their advantage.
  7. Change is learning. Learning is growing. Growing is living. So live.
  8. When you complain about change, the energy you’re wasting will turn you into a curmudgeon. (is that what you want to be?)
  9. Change is opportunity.
  10. Status quo is boring and gets you nowhere.
  11. Change is exciting and forces you to move.
  12. Change can be scary and uncomfortable only when you look at it that way.
  13. Fear of change is a feeling you can change.
  14. It’s okay to change your feelings.
  15. People resist change because it brings feelings of fear of the unknown.
  16. The unknown will be uncomfortable unless you shift your position.
  17. Change is a harbinger of possibilities.
  18. Everything must change.
  19. When we change we adapt and move forward, when we don’t we move backward.
  20. The weather will change, so don’t worry about it and stop talking about it!

Take a moment to comment on this post and share your thoughts on change and how you’ve been able to adapt and embrace it and move forward.

Read the full article here 

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